Focus on Pronunciation – 消える「and」
前回の消える「H」に引き続き、市民講座「FOCUS ON ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION」より。教科書はこちら。お薦めです。

De-emphasizing structure words: Reduced "and"
The structure word "and" is de-emphasized by reducing it to /ən/. The vowel sound is reduced to schwa, and the letter –d– is silent. The schwa sound in "and" is also linked to the final sound of the word that comes before it.
When "and" is reduced, the word before it and the word after it are eisier to notice.
最後の一文にご注目。「X and Y」の「and」をreduceした方が、XとYの関係が判りやすいと。reduceする際に多用される/ə/(schwa sound)についてはまた別の項で触れるとして、実例をどうぞ。
- Cream
andsugar > Creamən sugar - Men
andwomen > Menən women - Rock
androll > Rockən roll - Cats
anddogs > Catsən dogs - Sandwich
andcoffee > Sandwichən coffee - Big
andlittle > Bigən little - Table
andchairs > Tablən chairs - Knives
andforks > Knivesən forks - Bread
andbutter > Breadən butter - Hamburgers
andfries > Hamburgerən fries - Salt
andpepper > Saltən pepper - Boys
andgirls > Boysən girls
- In
andOut > In-N-Out